JOKER WORLD obs: esse mundo só é desbloqueado apos fazer os 4 finais bons nos mundos anteriores. (cada mundo é dividido em 3 finais,um bom,um normal e o ruim,para o trofeu basta conseguir o final bom nesse mundo).
Passo a passo(para o troféu basta escolher as perguntas quando tiver opções igual a baixo).
8/1 It's because I'd be limited, right? I don't. Okay. MAKE JOKER SAVE A I'll pass. I think we can trust him.
8/2 Until about 3 minutes ago. No, I feel fine. Can I work inside instead? Where is it?
8/3 Why did you save me? No. I'm sorry, I don't remember.
8/4 Were you alright, Ukyo? Would you like to come over? I'm fine, thank you. MAKE JOKER SAVE B Sure.
8/5 No. I don't know. No, I haven't. I'm fine. How can you predict the future? Have we held hands before? Your logic doesn't make sense…
8/6 Welcome home, Master. Sorry, I can't decide.
8/7 Sawa, did you know Rika? I guess I do. Are you alright, Ukyo? Why did you tell me?
8/8 What would his purpose be? MAKE JOKER SAVE C I'll stay home Would you like to come in for tea?
8/9 Não tem opções
8/10 MAKE JOKER SAVE D Let me go! Yes… I was just kidding. So can I approach you when you're awake? Are you homeless? Did I used to have feelings for you?
8/11 Não tem opções
8/12 I'll talk it over with Ukyo.
8/13 Maybe we shouldn't go? I'm a little worried about Ukyo. I think I should. I wanted to see you.
8/14 Don't worry about it. MAKE JOKER SAVE E I think it was just a prank. I want to know him more.
8/15 Yeah, let's go out. How about places where Ukyo might be? Should I sue you, then? Okay, I understand.
8/16 Do you speak another language?
8/17 Não tem opções
8/18 Why don't we stay here and talk? As long as I'm not near you, we're good, right? Would I not be good enough to talk to? Is that the only reason?
8/19 Let's go outside. Do you like the outdoors? Would you like to nap at my place?
8/20 Maybe I'll go to Kandagawa Park. So I can't look at you at all?
8/21 Let's go to Myouga University. I was just curious…
8/22 Did you text me earlier?
8/23 I want to go. Would you like to come over? Maybe I shouldn't have. Please don't go.
8/24 MAKE JOKER SAVE F No…I think it's better to keep it from him…
8/25 I'm curious about Ukyo. …Because… MAKE JOKER SAVE G I forgive him. ((Final Bom: Hold on to what is important))
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