Troféus conquistados
No Challenge Too Daunting for the Cooper Gang
Obtain all powerups.
29/12/2024 15:20:21 - 17.6 PDM
Brotherhood of Thieves
Unlock all trophies in Sly 2: Band of Thieves.
29/12/2024 15:20:21 - 17.6 PDM
Master Thief
Sell 50 unique pieces of loot.
29/12/2024 15:19:51 - 17.6 PDM
Victory, but at What Cost?
Complete all jobs in Episode 8: Anatomy for Disaster.
27/12/2024 04:08:45 - 11.8 PDM
Thievius Sneakius
Open the vault in Episode 8: Anatomy for Disaster.
27/12/2024 02:26:20 - 14.6 PDM
Make Me a Steel Omelet
Destroy 5 metal eggs in Episode 8: Anatomy for Disaster.
27/12/2024 02:16:24 - 11.8 PDM
Shocking Moves
Open the vault in Episode 7: Menace in the North, Eh?
26/12/2024 23:50:56 - 14.6 PDM
Blind with Rage
As Sly, with the help of the Rage Bomb, defeat all 5 guards in the vault room without being detected in Episode 5: A Tangled Web.
26/12/2024 22:56:24 - 14.6 PDM
You're Not You When You're Angry
Open the vault in Episode 5: A Tangled Web.
26/12/2024 22:16:21 - 14.6 PDM
No Resting until I Have Cooper!
As Sly, throw a Music Box at Carmelita in Episode 6: He Who Tames the Iron Horse.
26/12/2024 22:12:19 - 14.6 PDM
It's a Sleeper Hit
Open the vault in Episode 6: He Who Tames the Iron Horse.
26/12/2024 22:09:32 - 14.6 PDM
Attack of the Giant Bentley!
As Bentley, shrink 4 guards at once.
26/12/2024 20:37:42 - 17.6 PDM
Wizard of Chaos
As Bentley, use a Snooze Bomb, Reduction Bomb, and Health Extractor on the same guard in Episode 4: Jailbreak.
26/12/2024 20:30:33 - 17.6 PDM
Is This the End of the Cooper Gang?
Complete all jobs in Episode 7: Menace in the North, Eh?
26/12/2024 20:22:57 - 11.8 PDM
There's Nowhere to Go
Destroy 5 outhouses in Episode 7: Menace in the North, Eh?
22/12/2024 03:58:39 - 11.8 PDM
Sky Turtle
As Bentley, climb to the roof of Rajan's Palace in Episode 2: A Starry Eyed Encounter.
22/12/2024 03:27:56 - 14.6 PDM
Heist on Rails
Complete all jobs in Episode 6: He Who Tames the Iron Horse.
22/12/2024 03:19:02 - 11.8 PDM
Fear "The Murray"
As Murray, defeat a bear without taking damage in Episode 6: He Who Tames the Iron Horse.
22/12/2024 02:32:47 - 11.8 PDM
Eye on the Prize
Complete all jobs in Episode 5: A Tangled Web.
21/12/2024 09:39:48 - 11.8 PDM
Gone but Not Forgotten
Pay respect to a ghost of the past in Episode 5: A Tangled Web.
21/12/2024 07:41:59 - 14.6 PDM
Thank You, Wizard
Complete all jobs in Episode 4: Jailbreak.
21/12/2024 06:37:57 - 11.8 PDM
Go Long
Open the vault in Episode 4: Jailbreak.
21/12/2024 05:29:21 - 17.6 PDM
Bollywood Will Have to Wait
Complete all jobs in Episode 3: The Predator Awakes.
21/12/2024 03:22:30 - 11.8 PDM
It's a Shocker
Open the vault in Episode 3: The Predator Awakes.
21/12/2024 03:01:16 - 17.6 PDM
Hidden Wealth
Find 10 unique cash briefcases in Episode 3: The Predator Awakes.
21/12/2024 02:32:48 - 14.6 PDM
Slyght of Hand
As Sly, pickpocket 5 pieces of loot without being detected.
20/12/2024 18:40:21 - 14.6 PDM
Ancient Sentry
When not in a job, defeat 3 guards with the tower turret in Episode 3: The Predator Awakes.
20/12/2024 17:50:21 - 11.8 PDM
Savor the Moment
Complete all jobs in Episode 2: A Starry Eyed Encounter.
20/12/2024 03:08:55 - 9.2 PDM
I'm Going Insane
Open the vault in Episode 2: A Starry Eyed Encounter.
19/12/2024 23:39:33 - 11.8 PDM
One and Done
As Murray, defeat 5 guards with the Fists of Flame.
19/12/2024 16:10:07 - 11.8 PDM
Honorary Cooper
As Murray, bring a guard into the Safe House in Episode 2: A Starry Eyed Encounter.
18/12/2024 15:06:49 - 14.6 PDM
Don't You Love When a Plan Comes Together?
Complete all jobs in Episode 1: The Black Chateau.
18/12/2024 14:20:39 - 5 PDM
Let Me Shine You
Listen to Dimitri's Greasy Sweet remix in Episode 1: The Black Chateau.
18/12/2024 13:55:48 - 6.7 PDM
Knock Them Out
Open the vault in Episode 1: The Black Chateau.
18/12/2024 13:35:30 - 9.2 PDM
A Monetary Briefing
Find 10 cash briefcases in Episode 1: The Black Chateau.
17/12/2024 19:37:33 - 5 PDM