Antes de cada batalha existe uma chance aleatória de que Stan converse com você, é como um minigame de construir frases, e se Stan gostar delas ele começa a batalha com alguma magia. As respostas são bobas não tão dificil de entender o tipo de resposta que Stan quer. Responda corretamente e o troféu é seu.
Então, diferente do que alguns dizem nem sempre as respostas que o Stan vai querer vão ser tão obvias assim (Ou você acha que chamar ele de fofo é a opção correta?)
Enfim, aqui esta uma lista de todas as respostas corretas pra você dar a ele a partir das perguntas/ordens dele
Describe the unhinged terror. I'm so horrifying that you would… ———————— ———————— —————————– Pee your pants if bone chilling. inexplicable horror Pee your pants if bone chilling. while half asleep Pee your pants if he appeared while half asleep Pee your pants if he snuck up while half asleep
Give me a blood curdling war cry! ———————— ———————— —————————– Go! Go! Go!!! Shaaaa! Dooow! Kiiiick!!! Shin! Sou Kyaku!!!
How cool do you think I am? Tell me honestly. ———————— ———————— —————————– Earth shaking ideal Hunk! Mega attention getting Super Model! Mega cover boy Super Model! World's most unique Hunk!
I need a catchy title for my world conquest. Let's see if you have any wit! ———————— ———————— —————————– A nightmarish raging Dictator! A nightmarish raging Fiend! A sassy elegant Dictator! An impending awe inspiring Dark Force! An ubermagical tyrranical Dictator!
I need positive reinforcement. What do you think about me? ———————— ———————— —————————– A dainty cute Dark Majesty! A totally shifty Evil King Stan An almighty cute Evil King Stan An almighty regal Evil King Stan
Just say my name! ———————— ———————— —————————– S ta n
Some unsupported, preposterous boast to bluff the enemy into submission. ———————— ———————— —————————– Black-hearted sky rending super meanie! Black-hearted soul stealing super meanie! Star shattering sky rending force of nature! Star shattering soul stealing force of nature!
Start off with a good, hearty roar! Make me laugh boy! ———————— ———————— —————————– Is a fly without wings a walk?
OBS: Ao que parece as vezes a segunda e a terceira resposta vão tar com um erro de digitação
Tell these worthless creatures what you really think of them! ———————— ———————— —————————– A lamebrain stinky fart lousy gamer A lamebrain vulgar lousy gamer A styleless doomed lounge singer A styleless stinky fart prison barber
What are the fundamentals of combat? ———————— ———————— —————————– Be calm be forceful & let ‘em have it! Make a plan be forceful & let ’em have it! Make a plan cut loose & let ‘em have it! Take a breath focus your power & let ’em have it!
What is the necessary attitude for my world conquest? ———————— ———————— —————————– Be elegant be graceful & rule absolutely! Fearlessly! overcome & obliterate all! Strike quickly! invoke dark power & obliterate all! Tyranically invoke dark power & rule absolutely!
What scares you the most? I want to terrorize the world based on that. ———————— ———————— —————————– A dirty old man who craftily dominates all darkness A dirty old man who craftily is defeated A laughing devil that never dominates all darkness A vulgarian who unendingly can't program the VCR
Who do you think would be appropriate for my wife!? ———————— ———————— —————————– A cute lovely queen A cute pretty little devil A super lovely countess A super pretty queen