Total de 28 contratos, 29 com o não obrigatório contrato da DLC (os mais procurados de skellig), vou listar aqui os contratos: Pomar Branco (White Orchard) - Devil By The Well Velen - Missing Brother Velen - Shrieker (Troféu / Berrante) Velen - Jenny o' the Woods Velen - Patrol Gone Missing Velen - Phantom of the Trade Route Velen - The Griffin from the Highlands Velen - Mysterious Tracks Velen - Swamp Thing Velen - Mystery of the Byways Murders (Troféu / Sarasti) Velen - The Merry Widow Velen - Woodland Beast Novigrad - The Apiarian Phantom Novigrad - Lord of the Wood Novigrad - The White Lady Novigrad - Doors Slamming Shut (Troféu / Therazane) Novigrad - An Elusive Thief (Troféu / Doppler) Novigrad - The Oxenfurt Drunk Novigrad - The Creature from the Oxenfurt Forest Novigrad - Deadly Delights Skellige - Strange Beast Skellige - Dragon Contract Skellige - In the Heart of The Woods (Troféu / Espírito do bosque) Skellige - Here Comes the Groom Contract Skellige - Missing Son (Troféu / Morvudd) Skellige - Muire D'yaeblen Contract Skellige - The Phantom of Eldberg Skellige - Waylaid Transport