Para conseguir esse Trophy, você deve matar todos os Super Mutant Behemoths. São as criaturas mais poderosas do jogo e só existem 5 no jogo inteiro. É recomendável que vá mata-los com um level avançado e boas armas, de preferência, tenha uma Fat Man disponível.
1. GNR Building – You will encounter this one while doing the “Galaxy News Radio” quest. You will be fighting this Behemoth along side several Brotherhood of Steel members. One member has a Fat Man and will die, so grab the Fat Man and use it! 2. Evergreen Mills – Evergreen Mills is the large Raider base camp. They have a Behemoth trapped in an electrified cage within the base. I recommend clearing out the base of the Raiders so that nothing can get in the way. There is a possibility that the Behemoth can get out during this time, however it seems rare. If he does escape, deal with him normally. You can sit on the cliffs above the cage and kill the Behemoth from above also for a safer approach. 3. Capitol Building – This Behemoth will be fighting with a group of Talon Company mercenaries. There will likely be a number of Super Mutants as well in the fight so be aware of that. You can use the doorway near where the Behemoth is to shoot him from. He is too large to get through the doorway so take safer shots from where he can’t reach you. 4. Takoma Park – This one is northeast of Takoma Park. You should see a water tower that has a truck close by. There is a switch on the truck that you can use to fire artillery to help you down the Behemoth. There is also a safe spot you can shoot from where he can’t hit you. There is a truck to the right of the gate that you can get into and be completely safe from any damage. 5. Jury Street Metro Station – You want to head west from Vault 101 to find this area. Keep heading west once you find the Metro Station and you should find many train cars. In one of the overturned storage containers you will find Cart Cages. In one of these there is a teddy bear. Take the bear to make the behemoth spawn. It is possible that you do not have to take the teddy bear, but he will still spawn in the area.