Por Excelsior_RO - 0 pontos
Faça o “Good Ending” do personagem Hijikata.
Abaixo, o roteiro de respostas:
Chapter 1
Is there anything I can do?
Give him blood
Stay behind
Chapter 2
Tell him to stop
Give him blood
I want to go with Hijikata ou Convince Kodou to escape
Stay strong
Chapter 3
I believe in you
Give him blood
Stop Hijikata
Chapter 4
Give him blood
He wouldn't die even if you killed him
I want to be by your side
I don't care about being happy
Chapter 5
Take it back
Give him blood
Can I do anything for you?
I'll do my best ou You can't do that
I don't believe you
créditos: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1331292197
Em 08/03/2019 19:37:13.