Troféus conquistados
Hip Hop Hero
Unlock all other trophies. You've gotta believe!
31/03/2021 14:24:26 - 44.0 PDM
Remix Edition
Find the secrets in every stage!
31/03/2021 14:24:26 - 41.5 PDM
Easy Is For Babies
Clear all stages on Easy difficulty.
31/03/2021 14:04:32 - 26.7 PDM
Flower Power
Unlock and play "KT and the Sunny Funny Band."
31/03/2021 13:47:20 - 43.6 PDM
Freestyle Hero
Freestyle your way into a Cool rating for all songs.
31/03/2021 13:45:56 - 43.2 PDM
It Ain't A Problem For the Man
Achieve your destiny as the coolest hero by earning a Cool rating for Stage 6 on Normal difficulty.
31/03/2021 13:45:56 - 39.9 PDM
A Chicken From the Kitchen
Earn a Cool rating for Stage 5 on Normal difficulty. It's going to be a close call!
31/03/2021 13:41:30 - 40.7 PDM
A Cake You've Never Seen Before
Cook up a Cool rating for Stage 4 on Normal difficulty.
31/03/2021 13:37:51 - 43.2 PDM
Pump Up the Night
Give the crowd a Good performance in Stage 6 on Normal difficulty.
31/03/2021 13:02:35 - 21.3 PDM
You Gotta Do What?
Clear all stages on Normal difficulty.
31/03/2021 13:02:35 - 21.3 PDM
Here Comes Your Hero
Show M.C. King Kong Mushi that you gotta believe! Clear Stage 6 on Normal difficulty, with any rating.
31/03/2021 12:37:16 - 19.6 PDM
Crack, Break, Fix the Door
Earn a Good rating for Stage 5 on Normal difficulty and make it just in time.
31/03/2021 12:32:54 - 19.6 PDM
I Gotta Go Go Go
Show Sunny that you are still manly by clearing Stage 5 on Normal difficulty, with any rating.
31/03/2021 12:24:05 - 19.6 PDM
Been Doin' This For Years
Be a good cook and earn a Good rating for Stage 4 on Normal difficulty.
31/03/2021 01:03:34 - 19.1 PDM
Comeback King
Turn an Awful performance into a Cool one.
30/03/2021 21:17:58 - 39.2 PDM
Practice Makes Perfect
Help PaRappa and Katy Kat feel the flow by completing all 4 stages in the Practice Level.
30/03/2021 21:14:58 - 11.8 PDM
Cooking on the Cheap Cheap
Master cooking with Cheap Cheap the Cooking Chicken in Stage 4 on Normal difficulty, with any rating.
30/03/2021 21:03:44 - 7.8 PDM
Please, Please Stop the Flow
Clear any stage with a rating of Awful.
30/03/2021 21:03:43 - 9.8 PDM
All You Ever Need
Close the deal by earning a Cool rating for Stage 3 on Normal difficulty.
29/03/2021 23:20:12 - 37.3 PDM
License to Drive
Keep it cool on the road by earning a Cool rating for stage 2 on Normal difficulty.
29/03/2021 22:56:24 - 35.5 PDM
Kick to the Limit
Blow the walls off Stage 1 by earning a Cool rating on Normal difficulty.
29/03/2021 22:26:33 - 32.2 PDM
Right on Cue
Prove that you know your way around the microphone. Don't miss a beat in any stage on Normal difficulty.
29/03/2021 22:26:32 - 26.1 PDM
Be Nice and Friendly
Show Prince Fleaswallow that you can rap real slow and clear Stage 3 on Normal difficulty, with any rating.
29/03/2021 22:12:20 - 5 PDM
Got the Got the Funky Flow
Work hard to earn a Good rating for Stage 3 on Normal difficulty.
29/03/2021 22:12:20 - 5 PDM
Step On the Gas
Keep up the good work by jammin' your way to a Good rating for Stage 2 on Normal difficulty.
29/03/2021 22:09:17 - 5 PDM
Learner's Permit
Time to show show Instructor Mooselini what groove you know know by clearing Stage 2 on Normal difficulty, with any rating.
29/03/2021 22:09:17 - 5 PDM
Lesson Learned
Out chop the Chop Chop Master for the first time in Stage 1 on Normal difficulty, with any rating.
29/03/2021 22:05:16 - 5 PDM
Master Master Onion
Be a good student by earning a Good rating for Stage 1 on Normal difficulty.
29/03/2021 22:05:15 - 5 PDM