Monster Master Tongue Lashing (Level 1) Soothing Song (Level 6-7) Animal Instinct (Level 10-11) Emergency Grooming (Level 11-12) Attack Attacker (Level 13-14) War Cry (Level 18-19) Tongue Bashing (Level 20-22) Fire Breath (Level 23-25) Stone Toss (Level 27-29) Inferno Breath? (Level 36-38): Not sure if this is the exact name, but it's the upgraded fire breath C-C-Cold Breath? (Level 44-46): Not sure if this is the exact name, but it's frost breath Call of the Wild (Rescue 3 monsters) Monster Pile-On (Rescue 10 monsters) Lashings of Love (Rescue 30 monsters) Wild Side (Rescue 50 monsters) Focus Pocus (Rescue 80 monsters) 黒いきり - Dark Fog? - (Rescue ? monsters): Cancel all special effects for enemies/allies and seals spells