MISSABLE! Durante a historia do jogo você encontrara 5 personagens onde é necessário ajuda-los a chegar vivo no final do jogo para obter este troféu. Para que eles não morram você deve dar respostas certas durante a conversa,eles sempre se encontram nas Nightmares e no Stray Sheep,você so desbloqueara esse troféu no Dia 8 na Stray Sheep conversando com cada personagem e desbloqueando seu troféu. Abaixo uma lista completa na ordem de aparição com a fala e a resposta correta a ser dada para obter o troféu. P = Pergunta,R = Resposta
Day 2 Prison of Despair 2-1 Sheep with Regent Hair(Todd) P - You want me to teach you the technique i found? R - Yes!Tell Me!
Prison of Despair 2-2 Sheep with Regent Hair(Todd) P - You survived because of the techniques i found,huh? R - Teach me something else! P2 - You knew that? R - No…
Stray Sheep Justin P - …Hm? Have i met you somewhere before? R - Maybe…
Todd P - Have we met? R - Maybe…
Archie P - Have we met? R - Maybe…
Day 3 Torture Chamber 3-1 Sheep with Glasses(Justin) P - Your climbing was quite innovative.It's the truth. R - I'll Join you.
Sheep with Regent Hair(Todd) P - Ooh,I've got a technique for you. R - Please tell me.
Long Haired Sheep(Archie) P - Ooh,I've got a technique for you. R - Please tell me.
Sheep with Sunglasses(Daniel) P - I'll give you any amount of money you want! Just get me out of here! R - I'm clueless,too!
Torture Chamber 3-2 Sheep with Glasses(Justin) P - I get this feeling something big's coming up…Want to trade techniques? R - I'll Join you.
Stray Sheep Justin P - Wich do you think are more ppitful:men,or women? R - Men,of course.
Todd P - Do you know what you've got to have to be a real man? R - Lots of money
Archie P - Do you know what you've got to have to be a real man? R - Lots of money
Daniel P - I heard your voice somewhere…Was it yesterday…? R - I think so,too…
Day 4 Inquisition 4-1 Long Haired Sheep(Archie) P - We were talking about techniques.Wanna join in? R - Join the conversation
Sheep with Police Hat(Morgan) P - Hm?Do i know you from somewhere? R - I think so…
Stray Sheep Archie P - Do i look like a good person? R - Of course. P2 - So you mean you'd pull back even if the woman of your dreams hit on you? R2 - Of course.(Aumenta Karma Law)
Daniel P - So why do i feel so powerless? R - Forget about it (Aumenta Karma Law)
Day 5 Quadrangle 5-1 Sheep with Glasses(Justin) P - Today's layout is nasty…There might be a special techniques. R - Teach me a technique!
Sheep with Regent Hair(Todd) P - She wants revenge…I broke up with her because she lied about being pregnant,and now look at me! R - The pregnancy was a lie?
Sheep with Sunglasses(Daniele) P - I won't join them.I don't need their help to climb some blocks! R - By the way,there's this technique…
Quadrangle 5-2 Sheep with Regent Hair(Todd) P - …I was abandoned. I guess i can't help if i'm whortless… R - That's your dad's fault!(Aumenta Karma Law)
Sheep with Sunglasses(Daniel) P - Even if it makes you unhappy? R - I'll find a way for us both. (Aumenta Karma Chaos)
Sheep with Police Hat(Morgan) P - Hey, it's you.Well,you got any new techniques to give me? R - Let's work together
Stray Sheep Justin P - …She look her own life after that…It's the truth. R - It's not your fault. (Aumenta Karma Chaos)
Morgan P - Do you believe in afterlife? R - If i have to choose,yes.(Aumenta Karma Law)
Day 6 Clock Tower 6-1 Sheep with Glasses(Justin) P - Let's talk about techniques.We've all got to keep climbing R - Let's do it.
Clock Tower 6-2 Sheep with Glasses(Justin) P - But just so you know,40% of women cheat.It's the truth. R - Is there a reason? (Aumenta Karma Law)
Sheep with Police Hat(Morgan) P - You can't always rise to every situation,but you can only fall to the level of your training R - What kin of training?
Clock Tower 6-3 Long Haired Sheep(Archie) P - Instead of dragging myself through Hell…Maybe it's better just to die here… R - Come on don't think like that!
Sheep with Sunglasses(Daniel) P - Anyway,let's try and come up with some techniques.Why don't we exchange some information? R - Join the meeting.
Sheep with Police Hat(Morgan) P - If she's the one who kills me,then i don't mind… R - Are you really going to give up here?
Stray Sheep Justin P - And she's not going to tell him that he isn't…it's the truth R - Is there a reason? (Aumenta Karma Law)
Day 7 Spiral Corridor 7-1 Sheep with Glasses(Justin) P - Let's talk about techniques. I fell like entrustin you with them. R - Lt's work together.
Sheep with Sunglasses(Daniel) P - I don't want true freedom…I just want normal freedom everyone else has. R - Don't give up! Follow me!