Beyond Good & Evil
Complete the game
29/09/2019 20:26:51 - 40.7 PDM
Project Apollo
Pilot the spaceship to the moon
29/09/2019 00:37:28 - 40.1 PDM
Discover 80 pearls
29/09/2019 00:16:01 - 43.0 PDM
Data Manager
Collect 11 Mdisks
28/09/2019 23:22:24 - 45.2 PDM
Big Heart
Get 10 hearts for Jade's HP
15/09/2019 22:37:31 - 34.7 PDM
Wildlife Photographer
Take 6 film rolls of animal photos
14/09/2019 22:45:32 - 40.9 PDM
Racing Champion
Score 1st place in all 4 hovercraft races
13/09/2019 01:46:52 - 37.2 PDM
Bounty Hunter
Chase down all 4 looters
13/09/2019 01:17:10 - 39.3 PDM
Gamble King 2
Win 3 times in the pellet game against Francis (except Tutorial)
11/09/2019 19:45:58 - 33.4 PDM
Gamble King 1
Win 3 times in the coconut shell game against Peepers
11/09/2019 19:32:16 - 29.0 PDM
Kicking ***
Kill 10 Alpha Section guards
11/09/2019 01:53:59 - 31.2 PDM
Power up the hovercraft
31/08/2019 23:29:15 - 5 PDM
Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut Platinum Trophy
Zach, it's over, all finished.
It's time for you to leave town.
Are you ready to go?
19/01/2019 21:21:48 - 72.2 PDM
Top Collector
Wesley, the owner of the shop Panda
Bear, is an avid trading card collector.
Show him your own collection. 64 cards
will get you a "super rare thank you."
His shop hours are from 20:00 to 06:00.
19/01/2019 21:21:47 - 72.2 PDM
Great Collector
Wesley, the owner of the shop Panda
Bear, is an avid trading card collector.
Show him your own collection. 48 cards
will get you a "rare thank you."
His shop hours are from 20:00 to 06:00.
19/01/2019 21:20:50 - 71.4 PDM
Normal Collector
Wesley, the owner of the shop Panda
Bear, is an avid trading card collector.
Show him your own collection. 32 cards
will get you a "big thank you."
His shop hours are from 20:00 to 06:00.
19/01/2019 21:19:56 - 68.5 PDM
Amateur Collector
Wesley, the owner of the shop Panda
Bear, is an avid trading card collector.
Show him your own collection. 16 cards
will get you a "moderate thank you."
His shop hours are from 20:00 to 06:00.
19/01/2019 21:18:55 - 65.4 PDM
Memorable Cooking
Find the "Something chewy and salty"
"something soft with two colors"
"Yellow Sauce" that Emily needs for
her next dish and help her out.
16/01/2019 23:53:38 - 70.5 PDM
Guardian of the Art Gallery
Diane is hiding something.
Find the painting of [The Girl in
the Woods] slumbering somewhere in the
art gallery and give it to her.
She may open up to you.
16/01/2019 01:28:22 - 68.5 PDM
Incomplete Treasure
Michael says he had lost a "most
precious object" while he was at the
diner. Find it and give it back to him.
He is at home between 21:00 and 22:30.
Talk to him when Harry isn't there.
14/01/2019 23:33:37 - 70.1 PDM
Cold Pot 5
Sigourney often wanders the town when
the weather is nice. Having been told
that her "pot is getting cold!"
you now have to take her home. What's
the truth behind this pot?!
14/01/2019 22:10:06 - 70.9 PDM
Greenvale Trivia
Talk to Harry while he is at home and
he'll give you a quiz on Greenvale.
Get three correct answers in a row to
clear it. Why not give it a try?
13/01/2019 19:16:58 - 69.9 PDM
Episode 7 CLEARED
Then this is goodbye, Zach.
Thank you for everything.
13/01/2019 17:28:19 - 55.0 PDM
Map to Psychic Spot C
"The GV Electrical Substation" is
marked on a suspicious map purchased
from Keith at the Milk Barn.
Go to the marked location and clear the
"Other World" challenge there.
12/01/2019 22:37:10 - 70.9 PDM
Episode 6 CLEARED
My name is York. Me and you,
we'll always be together.
OK, Zach? I'm you, and you are me.
Now, give me your hand.
09/01/2019 23:43:41 - 54.6 PDM
Episode 5 CLEARED
Zach, I need you to pray with me.
Pray that things have not gone too far.
All we can do is go to the location
written in Kaysen's letter.
08/01/2019 00:14:13 - 54.6 PDM
Episode 4 CLEARED
Ah, right, he doesn't have a "tattoo"
on his back.
But there is a "pattern" there.
07/01/2019 22:40:17 - 53.7 PDM
Episode 3 CLEARED
Zach, OK. So it's not bonus footage,
it's still part of the main feature.
The perpetrator is exactly who
I thought it was.
06/01/2019 22:45:44 - 52.8 PDM
Periodic Riddle
Ushah has been given a "riddle" from
Fiona that uses elemental symbols, but
has no idea what the answer is.
This doesn't seem related to the case...
but why not help him find the answer?
30/12/2018 22:18:14 - 67.7 PDM
Top Rank
Use the [Dart Gun] to play the
darts game and defeat Richard's long
standing top score.
29/12/2018 00:49:05 - 65.4 PDM
Medical Studies
Fiona, in the hospital, has given you
a quiz on medical matters.
Get three correct answers in a row to
clear it. Why not give it a try?
28/12/2018 01:35:29 - 62.0 PDM
Map to Psychic Spot B
"The scene of a railway accident" is
marked on a suspicious map purchased
from Keith at the Milk Barn.
Go to the marked location and clear the
"Other World" challenge there.
28/12/2018 00:51:52 - 66.9 PDM
Episode 2 (part 2) CLEARED
Zach, Diane has become the third
victim of our killer.
And nada from questioning Nick...
Nothing. Got no new leads from
questioning Nick.
26/12/2018 18:08:40 - 51.5 PDM
Big Bag
Something important is hidden in the
Diner's kitchen. Use the [Key to
Back Door of Diner] received
from Nick to get inside after hours
and continue the investigation.
26/12/2018 17:45:17 - 67.9 PDM
A Return to Better Things
Having obtained the [Letter from Olivia]
containing her heartfelt feelings,
take it to Nick in his holding cell
and put his mind at ease.
26/12/2018 17:20:33 - 67.3 PDM
Nick's Letter
Nick, in prison, has asked you
to take a letter to Olivia for him.
She's holed herself up at home, so take
the [Letter from Nick] to her.
26/12/2018 17:08:30 - 67.1 PDM
The Bond Between Men
Quietly return the [Legendary Guitar
Grecotch] to Keith when he is working
at the Milk Barn.
This could be the start of a lasting
26/12/2018 16:22:54 - 69.7 PDM
York's Car
According to Jack your beloved car,
wrecked on the mountain road, has
been taken to the General's scrap yard.
Request its repair and then buy it back.
20/12/2018 01:27:14 - 68.9 PDM
Cold Pot 4
Sigourney often wanders the town when
the weather is nice. Having been told
that her "pot is getting cold!"
you now have to take her home. She's
just doing this on purpose, isn't she...
20/12/2018 01:05:22 - 69.3 PDM
Episode 2 (part 1) CLEARED
So Becky is Miss Stiletto Heel.
And she gave the locket to the twins...
Must be the "special secret" Lilly told
us about, Zach.
16/12/2018 23:42:24 - 48.8 PDM
Ghost House Treasure
Use the [Key] received from Brian to
check out his house. It is an old
place in a corner of downtown.
There might be something important
hidden there... or maybe not.
15/12/2018 23:59:18 - 66.9 PDM
Seven Bones
Wild dogs have been through the grave-
yard and now 7 [Bones] are missing.
Brian has pretty much demanded that you
get them back. Use his marks on the map,
find the [Bones] and return them.
15/12/2018 23:24:23 - 66.9 PDM
Cold Pot 3
Sigourney often wanders the town when
the weather is nice. Having been told
that her "pot is getting cold!"
you now have to take her home. Why is
the pot getting cold such a problem?
15/12/2018 22:15:47 - 67.5 PDM
Benjamin Franklin
Jack, at Heaven & Hell Gas, wants
$100 bills. Hey, don't we all? However,
if you give him more than $1000 he'll
supposedly give you some really big
info. For the investigation, then...!
15/12/2018 21:59:02 - 66.1 PDM
Gas Tank Parts
Find the [Gas Tank Parts] in the
Junk Yard. The General will use it
to increase the performance of your car.
15/12/2018 21:54:05 - 65.8 PDM
Cold Pot 2
Sigourney often wanders the town when
the weather is nice. Having been told
that her "pot is getting cold!"
you now have to take her home. What is
she doing with that pot outside anyway?
14/10/2018 20:45:46 - 64.5 PDM
High Gear Parts
Find the [High Gear Parts] in the
Junk Yard. The General will use it
to increase the performance of your car.
14/10/2018 20:25:29 - 64.6 PDM
Snack for Willie
Willie has nabbed a [Bone] uncovered
in the course the investigation.
It could be important evidence.
Get the [Bone] back from Willie's kennel
in the back of Kaysen's car.
14/10/2018 20:13:48 - 59.8 PDM
The Legendary Guitar
Use the [Key for Closet] obtained from
Lilly for your hard work to open the
closet in Keith's garage.
He should be home in the afternoons
on rainy days.
14/10/2018 18:32:30 - 67.5 PDM
Part Time Job 3
Lilly has given you further part-time
work tidying up the Milk Barn's
storeroom by pushing the boxes around.
Honestly, they can't even be trying to
keep it tidy in there!
14/10/2018 18:18:41 - 67.3 PDM